
PRP Treatment Ealing, London


prp treatment ealing

VAMPIRE FACELIFT is a non-invasive procedure, involves no foreign bodies but does the rejuvenating effect of surgery.

YOUR OWN BLOOD injected back to you can make you look younger, plumper and radiant glowing along with tighter skin; it softens and removes lines and wrinkles especially around your eyes which are hard to remove without surgery; also treats HAIR LOSS as well as any unwanted marks, dark circles and scars in ALL OVER YOUR BODY SKIN; without using any chemicals but YOUR OWN BLOOD.

All can be achieved at Ealing dental and medical clinic (Ealing Skin Clinic), which is proud to offer Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP).

How it works

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP); injects your own blood which contains rejuvenating elements such as collagen stimulators, stem cells and strong growth factor back into your skin; which boosts volume, skin tone and texture.Using the body’s natural healing defenses from micro needling; which actively produces collagen and elastin under the skin’s surface and reduces the sign of aging by filling wrinkles and fine lines with new and active collagen fibers.

Our experts take your blood, numb the area, and then the plasma gets separated with centrifuge device.

Afterward, they re-inject the Platelet back to the skin with Rejuvapen Fractional Micro needling procedure.

Treatment areas

Anywhere in your body can be treated including face, neck, hair/scalp, stomach, breast, smile lines, hands and decollate.

It is also used to treat pigmentations, scars, lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, and dark circles, sagging skins, cellulitis, acne, burn scars.

How Often?

You will need three Vampire Face-lift in 4-6 weeks intervals; after that, a session is recommended every 6 months for maintenance.

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